
The pros and cons of using AI to write your content
Emily Brewin Emily Brewin

The pros and cons of using AI to write your content

AI is fast, accessible, and efficient — saving time and money. But is using AI really the most effective way to create meaningful copy for your business? Discover the pros and cons of using AI to create your content.

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How to Write Smarter, Not Harder
Emily Brewin Emily Brewin

How to Write Smarter, Not Harder

Great writing is a cornerstone of effective communication for any business | Learn how to write smarter rather than harder to get the most out of your words.

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A big announcement!
Emily Brewin Emily Brewin

A big announcement!

I’m so thrilled my first young adult novel is being published with the excellent MidnightSun Publishing and will be in bookstores in April 2024

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Real World Writing for Teens
Emily Brewin Emily Brewin

Real World Writing for Teens

Real World Writing for Teens is a fun, practical program designed to teach Year 10, 11 and 12 students how to write effectively for the workplace.

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For the love of a short story…
Emily Brewin Emily Brewin

For the love of a short story…

I LOVE short stories. As an author and copywriter they offer the chance to stretch my creative wings. Saying this, I thought I’d publish one of my short stories here. I wrote The Desert in 2016. I hope you enjoy it!

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Blood Makes Noise — Now Showing!
Emily Brewin Emily Brewin

Blood Makes Noise — Now Showing!

Blood Makes Noise is a fascinating play written by its teenage cast about young male friendships — exploring more broadly the gap between who we are and who we’d like to be.
The play examines mental illness, sexuality, friendship, and love from a young person’s perspective, offering a candid insight into what it’s like growing up in post-pandemic 2022.
Showing at the Brunswick Mechanics Institute | Book Now!

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Find a framework for YOUR story
Emily Brewin Emily Brewin

Find a framework for YOUR story

Are the events in your story’s plot producing narrative tension and making the reader want to read on? | Try this narrative framework activity to test and improve your story’s mettle.

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The secret of structure
Emily Brewin Emily Brewin

The secret of structure

If plot is the WHAT of a story, structure is HOW the author chooses to tell it. And, while plot is unique to your story, in that each character and event is distinct, story structure is not.

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The power of plot
Emily Brewin Emily Brewin

The power of plot

Like a well-developed character, a well-structured plot is guaranteed to keep your story moving and your reader steaming through your book.

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Getting your beginning right
Emily Brewin Emily Brewin

Getting your beginning right

The work of the beginning of an article or the opening chapters of a novel is to hook the reader in, anchor them in the story and convince them to continue reading.

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Unlock your creativity!
Emily Brewin Emily Brewin

Unlock your creativity!

Do you suffer writer’s block at the sight of a blank page? Even as a seasoned Melbourne copywriter, getting those opening words down can be a task. But over time, I’ve developed a few hacks!
Take a look at this post to learn more.

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